
The Hunter needs a TAFE New Industries Training Centre.

The Hunter is getting a lot of investment in renewable energy developments, decarbonising industry, and new sectors such as battery manufacturing, green hydrogen and offshore wind. We can be a global leader in clean energy and manufacturing.

To secure this future we need a job ready workforce to fill crucial skills gaps and attract further investment. Now is the time for the government to be funding quality public vocational education. We need to create a TAFE New Industries Training Centre.  

As part of TAFE this Centre can make use of existing facilities and expertise. It can create clear pathways for workers and meet the vocational training needs for renewable energy, clean technology, hydrogen and decarbonised manufacturing across NSW.

By funding a world class facility we will ensure Hunter people continue to play a key role in the NSW economy. We can prosper through the changes to our regional economy, acquire high quality skills and secure jobs for generations to come.

We are calling for:

  • The establishment of a permanent and dedicated TAFE New Industries Training Centre (NITC) in the Hunter.
  • Funding to establish a world class facility.
  • Free courses for mining and energy workers.


Let’s show the NSW Skills and TAFE Minister that the community wants action!