In the News

For media enquires, please contact:
Justin Page HJA Co-ordinator:  [email protected]

May 28th, 2024

‘Plan for a future beyond coal’: questions about transition authority funds

“The Hunter Jobs Alliance is concerned that our region is receiving much less funding through this program, relative to the size of our coal industries, which is necessary to diversify our economy rapidly during the transition from coal mining. The Hunter is a $65 billion economy and the scope of the challenge ahead is immense. Even if the entire $25 million per annum [from the Royalties for Rejuvenation fund] was allocated to the Hunter, it is considered well short of requirements” Mr Page said.

Full article:

May 23rd, 2024

Hunter alliance says miners in the dark as Labor drags chain on transition

“The 2025 closure for Eraring has been earmarked for some time, and local workers have been waiting in earnest for guaranteed job protections during the transition, yet the Net Zero Economic Authority legislation has not passed Parliament and the NSW transition authority still don’t have any formal framework for hundreds of workers both at Eraring Power Station and at the mines which supply coal to the power station” said Hunter Jobs Alliance coordinator Justin Page.

Full article:

March 11th, 2024

Community organisations call on local Hunter MP’s to stop ‘short changing’ the region

‘The Hunter Community Alliance, backed by Hunter Jobs Alliance, has written a joint letter to the Hunter’s eight Labor MPs calling on them to “provide greater support” for the region in the June state budget.’

Full article:

February 6th, 2024

Newcastle Shows Support For Development Of Offshore Wind Industry

“This coalition of groups have come together and focused not on what divides us, but on our shared interest in diversifying and strengthening the Hunter economy and protecting the environment by supporting offshore wind,” Hunter Jobs Alliance coordinator Justin Page said.

Full article:

February 3rd, 2024

Hunter Jobs Alliance brings together a broad range of organisations, calling for greater consultation and environmental protections for the Hunter Offshore Wind project

“Some members of the public have been critical of the consultation process so far. Issuing feasibility licences moves the process to the next stage where genuine environmental concerns can be heard and addressed through the environmental impact assessment process,” Hunter Jobs Alliance coordinator Justin Page said.

Full article:

November 24th, 2023

HJA supports Federal Government’s announcement of a greatly expanded Capacity Investment Scheme to back renewable energy and storage.

“The transition away from coal is a global reality, and in a time of change, we need to build new sustainable industries and opportunities to ensure the Hunter remains a great place to live for both us and our children. This level of investment in renewable energy infrastructure will mean local workers will have more opportunities in the transition, and are better placed to move into future-proof careers.” HJA Coordinator Justin Page.

Full article:

November 15th, 2023

Hunter Jobs Alliance leads the push for a TAFE Energy Centre of Excellence in the Hunter

“The vocational training system in NSW is struggling to train enough workers in key trades that are demanded both by existing industries and by fast growing renewable sectors,” Hunter Jobs Alliance coordinator Justin Page said. “A TAFE Energy Centre of Excellence could train an additional 450 students annually at Tighes Hill with a five year operational budget of $22 million”.

Full article:

October 23rd, 2023

HJA promotes need for well funded transition authorities to support workers in coal-fired power stations

“You look at the Hunter, and we’re attracting investment in clean energy, with offshore wind, ammonia, hydrogen, those types of things, and it’s imperative that government gets the right policies and framework settings in place so we can ensure local jobs, local supply chains, apprenticeships, and community benefits,” Mr Page said.

Full article: